Sheffield-Egremont Agricultural, Ecological & Scenic Corridor toward the protection of one of the most iconic landscapes in the region and a rare intact agricultural landscape that is essential to support the local and regional agricultural economy.
- Bow Wow Woods - to buy, conserve and maintain a new 54-acre community trail and woodland education area - the start of the next phase of conservation in the Sheffield-Egremont Corridor.
Housatonic River Agricultural & Ecological Corridor to preserve a riparian corridor and watershed including extensive blocks of farmland and wildlife habitat on both sides of the Housatonic River, much of which is an historic landscape dating back to early Sheffield.
- Cooper Hill Conservation Project - The Sheffield Land Trust and seven other conservation groups are partnering to conserve more than 1,000 acres in southern Sheffield and northern Salisbury, Connecticut. We’ve waited for 25 years for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, both to protect the land itself and the important ecological and agricultural connections it makes to other conserved land..
The Community Trail Network toward the acquisition and stewardship of trail properties and easements to provide a network of public walking paths for town residents.